
Decorative pattern

Are your marketing campaigns suffering because your content is disorganised?

January 2025


This time of year is a great impetus for a clear-out. The influx of new Christmas gifts and sale bargains, coupled with New Year Resolutions about tidiness and order, always prompt an urge to clear out a raft of misshapen t-shirts or outdated herbs and spices.

The cathartic, cleansing effect of a decluttering session shouldn’t be underestimated.

What if we said you could replicate this domestic harmony at work, by decluttering your marketing content?

Like a home full of clutter, a disorganised approach to content can slow you down, waste money, derail your good intentions and prevent you making progress.


Think about it…chaotic content and brand assets mean:


  • You spend more on external design agencies, who continually have to create new content rather than working from existing versions
  • You waste endless time searching for existing content to update…for your latest boilerplate or regulated statement…for that PowerPoint deck that would be the perfect basis for the new presentation you’re working on…
  • Poor audit trails and version control increase the risk of compliance and data security breaches – and the reputational, regulatory and financial penalties that result
  • Your brand suffers through inconsistency, identified as one of the biggest brand asset challenges
  • Your campaigns are slowed down as a result – bugged by inefficiency, rework and duplicated effort
  • The Marketing team’s effectiveness and reputation suffer as new thought leadership, product and service information is late to market


In contrast, take control of your marketing content and you’ll:


  • Get your campaigns to market faster and more smoothly
  • Save out-the-door and hidden costs, by making it easier to find, use and update content
  • Increase your value to stakeholders, quickly providing the content they need
  • Improve brand management and consistency via the use of user-friendly, easy-to-access templates
  • Bolster regulatory compliance by making it easy to find the documents and audit trails that evidence compliant processes
  • Enhance supplier relationships with on-demand call down of merchandise and one-stop print and dispatch


You’ll streamline your content creation, approvals and delivery, and be able to manage the constant demand for on-brand, compliant marketing materials. Your Marketing team can spend time on the things that matter – rather than repetitive admin.

Managing all your collateral in one place, with access to brand guidelines and templates, smooths the path to consistent, on-brand, professional content and marketing campaigns.

Using a highly-secure brand asset management platform to create, approve, store and access your marcomms materials, brand assets and templates brings order from chaos. It enables you to focus on true marketing work: creating campaigns that attract new clients and retain valued ones.

If you want to make a New Year’s Resolution that will have a tangible impact on your effectiveness – forget juicing and setting the alarm for 5am. If you’re a marketer, organising your content in a brand management system can revolutionise your efficiency and effectiveness.


Read more about BrandEnable, Perivan’s brand asset management platform and the benefits it can deliver for companies in all sectors, and contact us to arrange a free demo.


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Decorative pattern