Scheme document published for the £26.64 million Recommended cash acquisition of Egdon Resources by Petrichor partners/HEYCO Energy
June 2023
Egdon is involved in the exploration for, and production of, conventional oil and gas in the UK. They also have a portfolio of licenses relating to unconventional oil and gas resources.
They directly manage all aspects of conventional oil and gas activity, from seismic surveying, building sites, drilling exploration wells, testing and long-term production through to decommissioning and restoring sites to their former use.
The Company comprises of a small core team and contract out many activities to specialist contractors, whilst maintaining overall control and responsibility for all operations.
Petrichor is a partnership of which the general partner is HEYCO International, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of HEYCO Energy Group, Inc. The ultimate parent company of HEYCO Energy Group, Inc. and Petrichor is Explorers Petroleum Corp, which is controlled by George Yates.
HEYCO Group is an upstream energy portfolio group that delivers strategy, sophisticated technology, and capital to oil and gas exploration projects in the United States and Europe.
Through Petrichor and other entities, HEYCO Group has invested in and provided technical advice to Egdon for more than two decades and since 2016 has been a substantial shareholder in Egdon.
Publication of the Scheme Document
The Perivan Shareholder communications team was delighted to work with VSA Capital who acted as Financial Adviser and Norton Rose Fulbright who acted a legal adviser to Egdon on the production of the 86-page Scheme and associated ancillary documents which were successfully published and posted to qualifying shareholders on 8th June 2023.
For further information, click here.
Perivan specialise in producing and publishing financial documents relating to shareholder and investor communications for quoted companies, private companies, and open and closed-ended funds.