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ThomasLloyd Energy Impact Trust float on the Premium Segment of the Main Market

December 2021


ThomasLloyd Energy Impact Trust plc is the first ever dedicated offering on the London Stock Exchange, providing direct access to sustainable energy infrastructure assets in fast-growing and emerging economies in Asia. This reaffirms the increasing appetite for real impact investment solutions that truly make a difference.

Asia is the world’s largest and fastest growing consumer of energy, but it is also the largest emitter of carbon dioxide; it is critical for the future of the world that we address this. The fact that the average ‘carbon cost’ of GDP in Asia is four times as high as that of the four largest economies in Europe combined, means that investment in renewable energy in Asia is vital to achieve a Net-Zero world.

Emerging markets and developing countries continue to face significant shortfalls in their private (and sovereign or public) sector financing needs to around US$2.5 trillion a year. Low and low middle-income countries need US$1.4 trillion of this. As part of the UK Government’s efforts to bridge this gap, the Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office launched MOBILIST, a programme to mobilise large scale investment through publicly listed markets which underscores the long-term commitment made by the UK to secure new sources of investment at scale, to finance global development for decades ahead. As announced at the COP26 Finance Day, TLEI was named as a finalist and subsequently the first Trust to receive funding as part of this new initiative to support the flow of capital to climate-related infrastructure projects in developing countries.

The Investment Manager is ThomasLloyd Group, a leading impact investor and provider of climate financing. Founded in 2003 and with a history of sustainability in investment management and advisory, ThomasLloyd is one of the longest-established and most experienced investors in sustainable energy infrastructure in high growth and emerging markets in Asia.

Since 2013, ThomasLloyd has been measuring and reporting on the impact of its investments, creating an empirical database showing the positive impact of their investments in sustainable energy infrastructure in high growth and emerging markets in Asia. This captures metrics including employment data, gender ratio, health and safety data, security of electricity supply data and environmental statistics and information such as CO2 offset, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity information and details on water usage.

ThomasLloyd is an accredited partner of the IFC (a member of the World Bank Group), an authorised partner of the European Investment Bank and an early signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.


Admission to trading on the Premium Segment of the Main Market of the LSE

On 14th December 2021, Admission and dealings in Ordinary Shares commenced by way of an Initial Placing, Intermediaries Offer and Offer for Subscription of Ordinary Shares for the issue of up to 300 million Ordinary Shares at US$1.00 per Ordinary Share, an Issue of c. 34.6 million Consideration Shares pursuant to the SolarArise Acquisition, a Placing Programme of up to 600 million Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares in aggregate (including the number of Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Initial Issue and the SolarArise Acquisition).

The Company also celebrated the awarding of the Green Economy Mark, as a recognition from the London Stock Exchange that it is a company that derives 50% or more of its revenues from green activities.


The Perivan shareholder communications team were delighted to work with Shore Capital who acted as Sponsor, Global Co-Ordinator and Sole Bookrunner to ThomasLloyd on the successful publication of the 249-page prospectus.

For further information click here.

Perivan specialise in the production and publication of financial documents relating to shareholder and investor communications for quoted companies, private companies and open and closed-ended funds.

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